The C&F Universal System Chest Storage is a go-to lightweight chest box that allows you to change the foam inserts to suit any freshwater condition.
It has two standard system foam slots and a double sided system leaf. In addition, it has hook style boxes for split shot and indicator material. There are also two threaders and a magnetic storage area. It also features a hidden compartment for tippet material as well as a built-in line cutter on the front. The box also has an oval fly pad secured to the front of the box.
The C&F Universal System Chest Storage is perfect for all fishing environments, whether you are just going for an hour, or donning a daypack and going out for a day.
Equipped with a three tippet holders that can store three spools of tippet on the back.
The included hook case can be used to store small strike indicators and split shot.
The standard oval magnetic fly patch uses powerful neodymium magnets to securely hold flies.
There is a net attachment point on the harness.
It features a crocodile clip for securing the box to your shirt.
Weight: 273.5g